Day 4: Thrills, Spills and More
It hasn't taken long for word to spread around town about how amazing our kids are. Last night, some of our students shared a public bus with a couple who were staying at our lodge. They were so impressed with the behaviour of our students that they made a point of finding Mr Melchiori at breakfast just to provide him with some lovely feedback. Certainly a proud moment for us! The students continued to represent the School with pride on the slopes, with one group breaking out into a zestful rendition of Carmen Townsvillare as they linked turns down the Magic Carpet. Zest was not the only character strength that shone today, with Teamwork and Persistence also on display. Stronger skiers and boarders offered words of encouragement and helping hands where necessary to support those who were newer to the sport. As a result, many of our beginners felt comfortable enough to take on the summit run. Exploration of the Mountain continued with Ben, Cohen and Chelsea successfully attempting the Virgin Mile. Their efforts were rewarded with stunning views out over the Canterbury Plains. Whilst some had conquered great heights, others were quite content working on perfecting their techniques on Highway 72. Alex Poletto was attempting a run with Mr Ward, when he was heard exclaiming "This is great! This is the fastest I've been." Meanwhile, Tilly, an already skilled skier, added to her repertoire, practicing some jumps in the Chair Bowl. Some boarders ventured to the Exhibition Bowl, but were not as graceful as Tilly. Annie's first attempt saw her stack, and land on her butt with feet facing up the hill. Rather than trying to get up and continue boarding down, the remainder of the slope, she used her hands to push herself backwards in a motion that can only be described as rowing. Her fits of giggles could be heard by Miss Adams who was passing on the chairlift above. This made Annie a close contender for the Spill of the Day Award, however this title was awarded to Priscilla who was the Mountain's second casualty. During her lesson, Priscilla, thinking she was falling, put her hand down on the snow to correct herself. Something went wrong and before she knew it she had lost a nail. Showing some true Grammar Grit, Priscilla made a quick pit stop in the medical center to have her wound dressed before jumping back on her board and riding up a storm this afternoon.